Passfield Press

Passfield Press

Passfield Press wordmark and colophon (logo)
Passfield Press wordmark and colophon logo
Passfield Press was established in 2011 with the mandate of publishing literary titles primarily by author Michael Hetherington. I was contracted to develop a brand identity, website, and template for marketing materials. With direction from the author, I created the colophon (publisher’s logo) and wordmark. These designs were adapted into a return address stamp, vinyl banner for tradeshows, and use in other print and web marketing. The website was built with WordPress to include a news blog and book listings. I also developed a template for the press catalogue for the publicist’s future use.
Passfield Press website
Passfield Press website
Passfield Press catalogue
Passfield Press catalogue
Passfield Press marketing materials on display with author Michael Hetherington
Passfield Press marketing materials on display with author Michael Hetherington